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Warhammer: Vermintide 2 takes place right after the previous installment, where you are captured and have to escape as the tutorial. It then thrusts you into you hub area where you slowly unlock mechanics such as crafting gear, buying cosmetics, choosing your gamemode and the like. The story is really just you trying to stop the world from ending by hunting down all the lords and finally the mastermind behind the invasion of Skaven and Northmen.

However, its not the story that someone plays Vermintide for, they play it for the gameplay. It has some of the most entertaining first-person melee combat I can think of. It starts simple with heavy and light attacks but once you play enough you start to figure out combinations of heavy and light attacks along with push attacks that can obliterate certain enemies. Once you figure out a combo for each type of enemy you can quickly dispatch anyone, whether it be special enemies, large armored enemies, or monsters.

Vermintide 2 provides a substantial amount of playstyles with the five characters it allows you to play, each with their own personality and base playstyle. This variety only increases with each character having at least three careers each (they have been introducing new careers in recent updates). These careers all have their own passives, talents, and special ability, giving pretty much anyone a playstyle they can enjoy. I, for example, enjoy the Shade who relies on stealth and backstabbing to pretty much instantly kill anyone, even monsters and sometimes the lords themselves.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is a lot of fun, and I know for a fact that I will continue playing it, even after Fatsharks new coop slasher "Warhammer: Darktide" comes out. The melee combat, special and randomly spawning enemies, progression, and boss fights all come together to form a Left 4 Dead style coop game that goes beyond its expectations.