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Sekiro takes place in 17th century feudal Japan, right after the Sengoku period. You play as a man named Wolf, later being named Sekiro, the "one-armed wolf". After losing a duel over the boy you swore to protect, you lose your arm and the boy in the process. You receive a prosthetic arm and set out on a journey to save the boy you were meant to protect, fighting many mythological beasts, humans, and divine beings alike.

The prosthetic arm you are given in the beginning of the game isn't just for show, it introduces many different mechanics such as a grappling hook, and the "shinobi prosthetic", which are different weapons you load into your arm to use them in combat. Items such as shurikens, a shield-splitting axe, firecrackers, to even a flamethrower can be loaded into your prosthetic arm for use, each of which being effective against different types of enemies.

The game has seven different skill trees that allow different aspects of your character to flourish. At first they are just simple upgrades like being able to sneak better or doing more damage with a skill. However, later on you unlock the ability to create a smoke cloud from blood if you backstab someone and being able to draw upon your mythological blade to deal major damage to supernatural beings.

Overall, I loved the game, the story was entertaining, the world building and lore were fantastic, and I enjoyed all of the characters. The combat and especially the boss fights were extremely fast paced since the game revolves around this "posture" mechanic where both you and the enemies have posture. Whoever's posture gets broken first can get a major blow dealt to them, so you have to be perfect at parrying their attacks while also taking full advantage of your own.